We listen to our customer's needs and we ask them about their expectations and unique requirements.
We Help Customers Save - Customers are focused on doing things faster, cheaper and better.
How do we help them? Cheaper does not mean your product costs less unless the price is the only thing you have to offer.
We have recognized the challenges of the industry, skill manpower shortage, increase in the cost of energy, salaries, and taxes, therefore we offer technology that accelerates the construction pace, requires less labor and offers immediate and permanent results taking in consideration the climate change and the harms that could cause to the structures.
Spray-Lock Concrete Protection® provides post-placement pozzolan products to enhance and improve concrete performance throughout its service life. Our technology delivers treatments that reduce reinforcing steel corrosion potential, increase abrasion resistance, fill and close the capillary structure for resistance to salt and chemical attack. When applied at the time of placement, SCP products provide enhanced curing and decreased drying shrinkage.
-SCP 327 Time of Placement
-SPC 578 Premium Concrete Protection
-SCP 743 High Performance Concrete
-P3 Industrial
-SCP 1000 CS admixture
More info: https://www.spraylock.com/approved-flooring-products/

Concrete Genetics
The concrete Genetics is the concrete technology that adds life to concrete work, from the time of placement to the maintenance and preservation Concrete Genetics is connecting the dots between design, builders, and end-users.
Concrete genetics improve the durability of concrete even in the worst corrosive environment as well as providing this building material the aesthetics value everyone has a dream.
-CG Cast
-CG Flake
-CG Sealers
-Total Care